Being new to this blogging world, I would like to introduce myself! I am Kyra Thompson. I grew up in a small town in northern Utah called Plymouth. Most people say they've seen a sign for it, but often times it's one of those places that if you blink, you miss it!

I have a wonderfully, crazy family! I have an older half-brother and half-sister along with two biological sisters! So depending on who you ask, I'm either the middle child or the oldest. I claim both!

I also want to point out that I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I grew up in the church and was baptized at eight. As the years went by I then chose to serve as a missionary (or volunteer if you don't recognize the term) for a year and a half in Upstate New York. I learned so much while I was there and met some extraordinary people. It is a time I will never forget.

Now to move forward a few years when I met the handsome guy in the photo above! This is my wonderful husband Max! He has been such an amazingly fun guy to have around. We were married in August of 2018.

My husband and I both attend Brigham Young University - Idaho. I am an Art Major trying to minor in Marriage and Family Studies while my husband is a Computer Science Major. While he has a while before he's done with school, I'm close to the finish line! Though, I have to say, I don't intend to stop learning and growing after I graduate. Learning never ends in my book!

Now, why am I starting a blog? To be honest, it's for a class I'm taking in Family Relations. But the things that I'll be writing will be personal and insightful. I'll be posting weekly on what I've learned in class for the next few months and I'm hoping that anyone who wants to will comment! And if you want to hear what my fellow classmates are saying on the subjects we're learning about, go and check their blogs out! I'll be posting their information here in the coming week(s).


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